Anti-Zionist Jews

Zionism came from the idea that occurred to Jews, that they were hated. This was an issue that they ignored for centuries. They robbed us cheated us et cetera with contemptuous indifference to us to their victims. In 1894 the reality came into focus with the Dreyfus Affair. One answer to being hated is cleaning up the act. That option was ignored. Founding a State as a refuge from the rage of honest men was the chosen option. Having got Palestine, the Stolen Land by fraud, they proceeded to hold it by terror & waging war against their neighbours. They were cunning enough to use American forces to do their dirty work for them. Having murdered hundreds of thousands if not millions some Jews decided that the Zionism Racket was played out; that getting serious about peace made sense. So it has come to pass that there are anti-Zionist Jews making noises, making sense.

The sensible, the well meaning, the pragmatic or the merely cynical include:-
#Israel Shahak       
#Jewish Left
#Jews For Justice  For Palestinians


Israel Shahak 
He made it from Warsaw, through Belsen, Palestine and  the Jews' army to become a professor of chemistry then finally a political agitator who took a strongly anti-racist, anti-Zionist line; he was especially opposed to the persecution carried out by his co-religionists. A Google search throws up several thousand references to him. The last one on this page is hostile. Given that he may well have been in concentration camps for the duration of the Second World War it seems that they were survivable, even if they were not much fun. This is not what the rogues running The Holocaust® Industry want us to believe.


Jewdas ex Wiki      
is a Jewish diaspora group based in London. It describes itself as "radical" and is described by The Jewish Chronicle as a "Jewish diaspora group, known for its far-left anti-Zionism."[1] It has a satirical-communal website and stages events in London and elsewhere.

It is a Jewish organisation engaged in political, cultural and artistic activities.
[citation needed] Representatives of the organization use the collective pseudonym Geoffrey Cohen in speaking to the media.[2]

Its first event was held at rampART Social Centre in London's East End, the traditional home of London's immigrant Jewish community; a free (albeit accepted donation) Purim party on Saturday, 18 March 2006, which was open to anyone of any ethnic or religious background, was attended by over 600 people and was covered by the national press.
[citation needed] Its second main event was a subject of great controversy, being called "The Protocols of the Elders of Hackney" (a reference to the antisemitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion), with a flyer parodying traditional anti-Semitic images. Members of the group were arrested, an incident condemned by The Jewish Chronicle in an editorial entitled "In Praise of Jewdas". More recent events have included a "Radical Cosmopolitan Yeshiva" at the Shunt Lounge, a film festival ("Treifspotting"), a secret Channukah party, which involved recreating the Temple of Jerusalem in Dalston, and an antifascist Yom Kippur Ball.[citation needed]

In October 2011, Jewdas hosted ˇNo Pasaran!, a party commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street.[3][4]

The group became more active again in 2014, especially around the Israel–Gaza conflict. This included protesting at pro-Israel events[5] where it has been labelled as "extreme[ly] far-left".[5]

In May 2015, the group brought over thirty people on its inaugural Birthwrong trip to Andalusia, Spain.[6] Advertised as "a trip for anyone who's sick of Israel's stranglehold on Jewish culture and wants to get away on a raucous holiday", the itinerary included: "See Maimonides! Get pissed! Do some Jewish tourism! Spend Shabbat with Andalusian Jews! Shvitz in a hammam! Visit a communist village! Get pissed!"[6][7] Attendees reflected on the trip in articles[8][9] and a short film.[10]

During the summer of 2015 Jewdas took place in two counter-protests against neo-Nazi demonstrations in North London.[11]

In January 2016, Jewdas took part in a counter-protest against a far-right rally against Syrian refugees arriving in Dover.[12]

At the beginning of April 2018, the United Kingdom's leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn attended a Passover Seder held by the group. He said the visit was made in a personal, rather than official, capacity.[13] That the group's Twitter account called Israel “a steaming pile of sewage which needs to be properly disposed of”, Jon Lansman, the founder of the pro-Corbyn organization Momentum and himself Jewish, said on BBC Radio 4: "It's certainly not helpful to Jeremy or the cause of opposing antisemitism in the Labour Party as it happens".[14][13]


Jews For Justice  For Palestinians ex Wiki    
Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JfJfP) is an interest group based in Britain that describes itself as advocating for human and civil rights, and economic and political freedom, for the Palestinian people. It opposes the current policy of Israel towards the Palestinian territories, particularly the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and seeks a change in their political status. The membership of JfJfP is primarily made up of British Jews.


Yachad ex Wiki  
(Hebrew: יחד‎, "together") is a non-governmental organization based in the United Kingdom.[1] It describes itself as "pro-Israel, pro-peace".[2][3]

Yachad asserts that "Israel's best hope for safety and security lies in a comprehensive peace with its neighbors. That means a two-state solution: Israel and Palestine." According to Yachad, "time is running out and the two-state solution is in peril". Facing this situation, "Now is the moment for diaspora Jews to play their part and do all they can in the search for peace."

Yachad has a wide-ranging programme of activities through campaigns that claim to aim to build support for those in Israel working for peace and democracy. Yachad organizes day trips to East Jerusalem and the southern West Bank. They also work with British Jews — youth and adults – to promote their beliefs.

During the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict Yachad organised 1000 members of the British Jewish community, to lobby Mark Lyall Grant — as UK ambassador, then President of the United Nations Security Council — to secure a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza.[4]


Jewish Left ex Wiki     
The term Jewish left describes Jews who identify with or support left wing, occasionally liberal causes, consciously as Jews, either as individuals or through organizations. There is no one organization or movement which constitutes the Jewish left, however. Jews have been major forces in the history of the labor movement, the settlement house movement, the women's rights movement, anti-racist work, and anti-fascist and anti-capitalist organizations of many forms in Europe, the United States and modern-day Israel.[1] The Jewish people have a rich history of involvement in anarchism, socialism, Marxism, and Western liberalism. Although the expression "on the left" covers a range of politics, many well-known figures "on the left" have been of Jews who were born into Jewish families and have various degrees of connection to Jewish communities, Jewish culture, Jewish tradition or the Jewish religion in its many variants.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on Monday, 30 March 2020 13:15:05